Top Six Benefits of Drinking Coffee 1 Cup per Day

Are you drinking 1 cup of coffee per day? 

Although there has been an age-old debate behind whether drinking coffee is good or bad for your health, it is known that coffee does contain a small amount of vitamin that your body needs including vitamin B2, B5, B1, and B3 as well as folate, Manganese, potassium, magnesium and phosphate. 

When you drink several cups of coffee per day, you will consume a decent amount of these vitamins. But beyond walking you up and providing you with critical nutrients, drinking at least one coffee a day can also improve your mood, decrease your chances for developing cancer, even ward off Alzheimer's. 

Here are a few known health benefits that your body gets if you drink at least one copy per day: 

1. Boost Your short-term memory. 

Coffee not only boosts your short-term memory but also improves your reaction times, memory skills, and overall brain activities. 

2. Gives you antioxidants. 

Consistent consumption of coffee means you are consuming the antioxidants in it which helps to fight against inflammation. An antioxidant also helps to fight against free radicals which can do a lot of cell damage as it causes oxidative stress within the body. 

3. The cognitive decline at bay. 

Consistent consumption of coffee can prevent cognitive decline related to mental anomalies. Regular coffee drinking prevents beta-amyloid plaque from building up in the brain which is what contributes to the early stages and progression of a brain-related disease like Alzheimer's and dementia. 

4. It can curb some cancer. 

Regular coffee drinkers have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer and for women which drink four or more cups a day, how I decrease change of developing endometrial cancer. In addition to this, there was a correlation found in women who drank coffee frequently and lowered risk for developing colon, rectal, liver and breast cancer.

5. It is healthy for your heart. 

Moderate coffee consumption actually reduces the danger of heart disease by a minimum of 20% when compared to non-drinkers, light drinker and heavy drinkers. So before you believe that coffee is bad for your heart, remember that in moderation, actual good for you. 

6. Healthy for your liver. 

Coffee is good for the liver because it helps to stay away from cancer. In studies done of coffee regular coffee drinkers, it was found that there is a lower cirrhosis occurrence in those who regularly consumed coffee.
Top Six Benefits of Drinking Coffee 1 Cup per Day Top Six Benefits of Drinking Coffee 1 Cup per Day Reviewed by Blogger on December 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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