How to increase Testosterone level for Men

How to increase Testosterone level for Men

1. Exercise
There are many exercise which increase testosterone level of your body. When you are doing any leg exercise then your body produce more testosterone than when you are doing upper body exercise. 
You can do this most popular exercises such as Squats, Deadlift and Leg Press and if you want to get result fast then you can do that exercise twice a day.

2. Shilajit
Shilajit can boost your testosterone level. For that you have to take Two tablets a day one tablet at morning and one tablet at night. After 1 week you will get result and for best result you have to wait for at least 3 weeks.
If you want to buy best shilajit from Amezon then Click Here.

3. Ashwaghandha

Ashwaghandha helps to increase testosterone level of our body. It is available in tablet and powder also. If you are taking tablet then you can take 1 tablet a day and if you are taking powder then 1 spoon of powder per day. You can mix powder with the milk to make it tasty. 
It is totally safe but don't give it to pregnant and breastfeeding women. 
If you want to buy it from Amazon then click here.

4. Yolk(Yellow Part of the Egg)

Yolk contain more nutrients than the white part of the egg. It also helps to increase a testosterone level of our body. you can eat 4 eggs per day to get a better result.

5. Sleep Well

Taking  high quality sleep increase testosterone level of your body. Quality sleep means 7 to 8 hours. If you are taking 7 to 8 hour sleep then definitely you will get result fast.

How to increase Testosterone level for Men How to increase Testosterone level for Men Reviewed by Blogger on December 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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