Top 5 Foods for Weight Gain

Top 5 Foods for Weight Gain

Following are the top 5 best food for weight gaining.
1. Eggs
Eggs are the good source of protein and it contain 6 gram of protein and 70 gram of calories. It also contain all nine amino acids which helps to grow muscle. if you are beginner then you can eat 4 eggs per day and if you are advance then you can eat 6 eggs per day.

2. Potatoes
Potatoes is the rich source of carbohydrates. It contain 17 gram of carbs per 100 gram which helps to gain healthy weight fast. If you want to gain weight fast then you need to eat 5 to 6 potatoes per day.

3. Banana

Banana is rich source of potassium and fiber. It helps you to gain weight and if you are mixing banana with milk then definitely it will help to gain weight faster. Banana is also useful to maintain blood pressure. you can eat 6 banana per day.

4. Peanut Butter
This is the best choice for weight gaining. It is rich source of healthy fats and it contains 570 calories per 100 gram. So try peanut butter in your diet. You will definitely get result after 1 month.
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5. Tofu
Tofu is the excellent source of protein, iron and calcium and it also contain all nine amino acid. So this is helpful for gaining muscle not gaining fats.
Top 5 Foods for Weight Gain Top 5 Foods for Weight Gain Reviewed by Blogger on December 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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