How to Gain Weight Fast in 1 Month

How to Gain Weight Fast in 1 Month

Following are the top 5 best way to increase you weight fast.

1. Calories
Calories rich food helps to increase weight fast. If you want to maintain your weight then you need to take 2200 calories per day and if you want increase your weight 2 kg per week then you have to take 2500 calories per day.

2. Carbohydrates
If you want to gain weight fast and naturally then you need to take 280 to 350 gram of carbohydrate per day. This will help to gain 1kg to 2kg per week it depends upon your diet. 
High carbs food 
1. Potato.
2. Banana.
3. Sweet Potato.
4. Oats.
5. Nuts.

3. Protein
Protein helps to grow muscle mass of the body. You can also take whey protein as supplements. Our body require 2 gram of protein per kg or 4 gram per pound.
High Protein Food
1. Eggs
2. Whey Protein
3. Milk
4. Tofu
5. Nuts

4. Exercise
Exercise is the best way to gain weight fast. It makes you hungry and it also improve your digestion power. So join the best gym and take a best diet and make your body looking sexy.

5. Water
This is also a important thing for increasing a body weight drinking water makes your body clean and it also helps to improve digestion. Our body needs 8 glass of water per day. so make it your habit. 
How to Gain Weight Fast in 1 Month How to Gain Weight Fast in 1 Month Reviewed by Blogger on December 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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