Food Which Cause an acne

Food Which Cause an acne

Pimple can be Painful for both Men and Women, especially when they started growing up on the face. There are some foods that we consume in daily life which causes an acne. A diet which contains unhealthy foods which can cause acne to a great extent.

Acne is due to secretion of too much oil (sebum) on face. This can be due to genetics, to much stress, weather and even Unhealthy Diet.
If you will not properly care of your face. It will definitely cause acne. To avoid boring Pimples, you should Change your diet. Here is the list of foods which you should avoid to getting acne-free Skin.

1. Milk and milk products:

We drink milk every day and consider it very healthy for our body and digestive system. However, this can not be completely accurate. Excessive insulin can be produced in the body by excessive milk and hence it is considered as insulinogenic. Milk can also cause hormone dense distribution system and the hormones are directly linked to acne. Therefore, if you want to stay away from acne, then consumption of milk and milk should not be consumed in excess quantities.

2. Caffeine:

Caffeine makes you feel alert, but also enhances the stress response in the body. In fact, a big cup of coffee can double your body's stress response. In addition to producing acne, caffeine also has a tendency to spread it on the skin. If you want a clear skin, you should avoid drinking coffee or anything that caffeine contains.

3. Spicy food:

Excess of spicy food can cause substantial damage to the digestive system by creating inflammation in the digestive system. A foods which contains high amount of spice can cause acne breakouts on the skin.

4. Alcohol:

More Intake of alcohol can cause the imbalance in testosterone or estrogen levels in the body. It also increase inflammation problem.
 Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to a lack of zinc and Zinc is considered to fight with acne. Alcohol is not good for the body in any way, which is another big reason to quit alcohol.

Food Which Cause an acne Food Which Cause an acne Reviewed by Blogger on April 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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