Top 7 Veg foods to gain muscle | healthsandcare

Top Veg foods to gain muscle

 1. Brown Rice (1 cup)
Brown Rice is the best food for bodybuilder. it contain 1% calcium 171 calories and 4 g protein. it also contain healthy carb which helps to boosts metabolism. one and best things which makes brown rice best food that is A brown rice is low energy density food.

 2. Soybeans
Soybeans is the best option for vegetarian people. it has 30 gm carbs 420 gm calories and 35% of protein. it helps to gain muscle.

 3. Spinach
Spinach contain 7 gram carbs, 23 calories, 3 gram protein and 99 mg calcium. it helps you to grow muscle.

 4. Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is the one of the best workout recovery food.
It contains 3.6 gram of carbs, 285 calories and 48 gram of protein.

 5. Nuts
There are many types of nuts and the good thing is that all nuts are helpful in workout. Nuts contain 20gm carbs 605 gm calories.

 6. Tofu
Tofu contain all types of essential amino acid. It is the best and good option for diet. 

 7. Oats
 Eating oats is useful to reduce weight. It contain fiber and 154 gram calories.

Top 7 Veg foods to gain muscle | healthsandcare Top 7 Veg foods to gain muscle | healthsandcare Reviewed by Blogger on November 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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